Honor Society Affiliations

Alpha Mu Alpha
American Marketing Association
Since its inception in 1937, the American Marketing Association (AMA) has remained committed to the advancement of excellence in the field of marketing. It was this commitment that fostered the establishment of Alpha Mu Alpha in spring of 1981.
Alpha Mu Alpha is the national marketing honorary for qualified undergraduate, graduate and doctoral marketing students and marketing faculty.
Under the auspices of the AMA, a selected advisory committee of marketing educators designed the Alpha Mu Alpha recognition program to acknowledge outstanding scholastic achievement on a highly competitive basis. The eligibility requirements illustrate this objective.
Membership in Alpha Mu Alpha is granted to students in good standing that have a minimum overall GPA of 3.25. Initiation includes membership in the Honorary, a personalized certificate, Alpha Mu Alpha lapel pin and a red graduation cord.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honor society recognizing business excellence. Stonehill's chapter has earned highest honors status, which is the highest distinction possible for BGS chapters.
Lambda Epsilon Sigma
Stonehill’s campus-wide honor society, Lambda Epsilon Sigma, recognizes students from all areas of study. Students who have demonstrated a well-rounded thirst for knowledge are invited to apply.
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