Program Overview 

Journalism students learn how to write news and feature stories, interview a wide range of people, research topics, cover events and shoot video – all with the goal of developing strong, marketable skills after graduation.  

Courses ranging from video production and news writing to media law are taught by award-winning professors with real-world experience. 

Cold Cases, Hot Courses

Professor Maureen Boyle’s is leveraging her success in the true-crime book genre to enrich her journalism students’ learning.  

Sample Journalism Courses

Reporting and News Writing

Students will learn how to gather, write and edit news and feature stories for print and on-line publications. Writing, accuracy, and interviewing skills needed in both the journalism and public relations fields will be stressed.

Journalism Ethics and Law

This course is an examination of media law in the United States and how it affects news gathering, advertising, online and traditional publications. Students will examine both historic and contemporary media cases with the eye towards answering the question: “Just because the media can legally do something, should it?”

Sports Broadcast Journalism

This course centers on production of a studio-based, sports-themed program focusing on Stonehill athletics and athletes. Time will be spent recounting and summarizing Skyhawk sports highlights live in studio, and emphasis will be placed on producing human interest stories for show that go beyond the games themselves.

Experiential Learning Opportunities  

Experiential learning begins on campus - where students have access to TV studios, the WSHL-FM Stonehill College Radio studio and The Summit  student newspaper - and continues in the field, through internships across the region. Stories written by our students in the classroom grace the pages of magazines, newspapers and websites throughout New England. Videos and photos shot by these student-journalists have also been featured on several websites. 

The results can be seen in the many scholarships that our Journalism students have won over year years, including the Esper Reporting Scholarship from the New England Associated Press News Executive Association. 

Public Relations and Marketing Opportunities 

The skills learned in the Journalism minor translate into the growing field of public relations and marketing. Many of our students also intern in public relations and marketing departments throughout the Northeast. Public relations courses are offered through the Communication Department

Internship Opportunities

Our students have interned at newspapers, news websites, television stations and radio stations throughout the Northeast.

Outside Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Save Money: Earn Two Degrees in as Little as Four Years

The Skyhawk Accelerated Dual Degree allows Stonehill students to earn a bachelor's degree and master's degree from Stonehill College in as little as four years. Eligible students receive early and expedited admission to their graduate program of interest and can begin working toward a master's degree in education, data analytics or marketing. Stonehill students also receive 20% off for remaining graduate tuition through the Skyhawk Rate.

Contact Information

Maureen E. Boyle

Maureen E. Boyle

Associate Professor of Communication & Media Studies, Journalism Program Director
Cushing Martin 116
Communication & Media Studies