Internships & Opportunities
The Criminology Department offers students a range of internship, community-based learning and practicum opportunities.
Internship Opportunities
Places where Stonehill Sociology & Criminology Department students have recently interned include:
- Bristol County District Attorney's Office
- Brockton District Court, Office of Probation
- The Champion Plan
- Commonwealth Mediation & Conciliation Inc.
- Congressional offices
- Drug Enforcement Administration
- East Bridgewater Police Department
- Essex County Sheriff's Department
- High Point Treatment Center
- Justice Center of Southeast Massachusetts
- Local Police Departments
- Massachusetts Attorney General's Office
- Massachusetts Department of Correction
- Massachusetts Department of Youth Services
- Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab
- The Peace Abbey
- Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office
- Plymouth County Outread
- Pre-Trial Diversion Program, Brockton
- U.S. Department of Defense
- U.S. Marshals Service
- U.S. Postal Inspection Service
- U. S. Probation and Pretrial Services
- U.S. Secret Service
- War Crimes Prosecutor's Office, Republic of Serbia
- Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police
My internship at High Point Treatment Center provided me with skills I could transfer to my career and contributed to my personal growth. It allowed me to apply the concepts I learned in the classroom in a real-world application.
Practicum Opportunities
In addition to internships, students have opportunities to learn and work in the field through a practicum. Offered in sociology, criminology and anthropology, these classes get students into the community either through meeting with various groups, mentoring, research, volunteering or some other kind of joint activity.
A practicum opportunity through the Sociology & Criminology Department offers a combination of traditional learning strategies coupled with several hours a week of community-based learning in the field, usually working in a social service or criminal justice agency.
Learning Community and Practicum
- Juvenile Justice – Professors Danielle Carkin-Lacorazza and Ed Jacoubs
- Practicum: Victims in the Courtroom – Professor Katie Currul-Dykeman
- Seminar: At-Risk Families and Youth – Ed Jacoubs
- Learning Community: America’s Promise – Professors Corey Dolgon & Ed Jacoubs
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