Stonehill College Family Connection
Sign up to receive personalized news and updates about your student’s experience at Stonehill.

As a parent or family member, you play a key role in helping your student navigate their college experience. To help you stay informed, you are invited to join Stonehill College Family Connection. This resource is designed to help family members support their student throughout their time on the Hill. Features include:
- News Feed: Featuring campus news, as well as information about upcoming events and deadlines.
- E-newsletter: Updates and stories that matter the most to you on your schedule right to your inbox.
- Communities: Allowing you to connect with other parents and guardians of the Stonehill community.
How to Join
When students enroll at Stonehill College, email addresses for their parents and guardians are uploaded to Stonehill College Family Connection. You will receive an email with a link to register for the platform, as well as instructions on setting content preferences.
After you create an account with Stonehill College Family Connection, you can personalize the information you receive by setting communications and content preferences.
Haven’t received a welcome email? Sign up for Stonehill College Family Connection directly here.