2023 Chapel Choir Italy Pilgrimage

The Stonehill Chapel Choir will be leaving for their week-long 2023 Italy Pilgrimage in May. While there, the choir will offer a formal concert at a local church in Rome, sing for Mass at St. Peter's Basilica, represent Stonehill College at the Papal Audience, and visit many significant religious locations in the region. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these students, and they are seeking financial support to make this pilgrimage possible. To donate, please click below:

Endless is Your Love - Stonehill Chapel Choir


This was recorded at the start of quarantine for the 2020 pandemic and was dedicated to the students and staff of Stonehill College. Our Holy Cross tradition teaches us to look to the cross for hope, and we know that through the challenges, endless is God's love for us.


If you enjoyed this video, please consider donating to the Stonehill College Chapel Choir, and supporting our vital ministry: Chapel Choir Donations

Chapel Choir

The Stonehill Chapel Choir consists of both singers and instrumentalists of all faiths who provide musical leadership for the College's primary liturgy, the 7 p.m. Mass on Sunday evenings in the Chapel of Mary. All are welcome to join. Interested students should contact Melissa Murphy-Leite, Campus Minister of Music & Liturgy. 

The students involved in the Chapel Choir become a close body of people who experience development in musicianship, an understanding of the nature of sacred music, and the rich Christian experience that Campus Ministry provides.

The Chapel Choir provides music ministry at the majority of major events on campus including the Welcome Mass, the Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Baccalaureate Mass, Lessons and Carols, and Lenten Tenebrae. The Choir is also regularly called upon to share our ministry outside of campus, for Masses and other services throughout the Fall River Diocese.

While music remains the principle discipline of the Choir, the group is committed to ministerial education for its members throughout the course of the academic year. Retreats, fellowship and liturgical ministry are the interdisciplinary dynamics that contribute to the liturgical life of the Chapel Choir.

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals are held in the Chapel of Mary.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-6 p.m.

Sundays, 6-6:45 p.m., followed by 7 p.m. Mass.

Choir Pilgrimages

One of the principle initiatives of the Chapel Choir has included domestic and international Choir Pilgrimages. For some of our students, the international experiences will be an exclusive encounter with travel abroad. For others, the tour catapults them into discovery of the wideness of the world. The richness of these pilgrimages - along with the ensued fellowship that inevitably occurs when singers travel and perform together - provides an indelible memory that will last a lifetime.

The Choir has traveled most recently to Montreal (2019), and also to Italy (2004, 2008, and 2017), Ireland (2006), and Paris and Le Mans, France, the home of the founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, Blessed Basil Moreau (2010). To support the Chapel Choir and our future Choir Pilgrimages, please consider making a donation through Stonehill's secure giving site by clicking here: Chapel Choir Donations

           Altar of the Chair at St. Peter’s Basilica / Chapel Choir 2017 Italy Pilgrimage