Resident Assistants

At Stonehill College, the Resident Assistant (RA) position is one of leadership and service. RAs are carefully selected and trained to be leaders, role models, referral providers and community builders.
Being an RA means you are part of a very important team! Together with other staff members, RAs work diligently to build positive relationships with the residents they serve. Through positive interactions (programming, hall meetings, visiting rooms, being a friendly face around the hall, etc.), RAs create a living and learning environment in which residents have opportunities to grow academically, spiritually and socially.
RAs are also responsible for providing their residents with a safe community. RAs help to ensure the safety of students by educating them on and enforcing college policies.
2019-2020 Resident Assistant & Residence Director Staff
The Office of Residence Life is dedicated to providing students a supportive and inclusive living environment that enhances their Stonehill experience. Students can select from a wide range of living options at Stonehill, ranging from traditional corridor style halls to suites and townhouses, to single-gender residence halls.