Related Articles component allows you to feature and promote editorial content most relevant to the page. It is both informative and task-oriented, aiding users to contextually explore helpful insights or opportunities. It also will allow Stonehill to showcase its credibility, active involvement in the community, and thought leadership.

For pages that cover broader topics regularly covered in editorial channels, we recommend using the automatic content “pull by category” feature, so recommended articles remain fresh and timely. 

The content in this component can also be manually set, allowing a page creator to feature content that is very specific and most relevant to the topic of the page. 

This component can also be created using the Reusable Callout module which allows you to update content in one place. This is particularly useful if you would like to place manually curated Related Articles of the same theme in multiple places across the site.

If you elect to use the Related Articles component on the Article Detail template, the component will be fixed to the bottom of the page.

Content elements:

Section label—required