Click Here for information concerning the recent decision in State of Kansas v. U.S. Department of Education

What to Do If You Experience a Sexual Assault

Get to a safe place and contact on or off campus resource.

Good Samaritan Medical Center and Brockton Hospital both have staff that are experienced and prepared to help sexual assault survivors. It is extremely important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible - preferably within 72 hours - because you could be injured internally as well as externally by the attack. A prompt medical examination will test for pregnancy, STD's, HIV, and venereal disease. A medical examination can secure valuable evidence that can be used later should you wish to have the assailant prosecuted. Do not drink, bathe, douche, brush your teeth, change clothing or comb your hair. It's only natural to want to do these things, but you may be destroying evidence you will need if you decide to prosecute at a later date. Put all clothing, bedding and other evidence in a paper (not plastic) bag. In the course of your medical examination this evidence will be collected by the hospital staff.

Click here for a full listing of all designated SANE site hospitals in Massachusetts.

Counseling is a very important step in helping someone who has been sexually assaulted regain control over her or his life and start the healing process. Professional counseling services in the area, both on and off campus can be of assistance. Counseling Services can be reached by calling 508-565-1331, option #1 for the front desk, option #2 for the 24/7 support line.  When making an appointment with the front desk staff please note that the administrative staff are NOT a confidential resource. If you would like to make a confidential disclosure, please wait until you are speaking with your clinician. When making your appointment, simply indicate the matter is of a personal or confidential nature, and no further information will be required. 

1. Counseling Services, 508-565-1331, ext. 1 for appointment; 2 for 24/7 support line.

2. Health Services, 508-565-1307

3.  Ordained Clergy in Campus Ministry, 508-565-1487

4.  Certified Athletic Trainers, 508-565-1504

5.   Confidential Resource Providers are trained staff members who are available to assist students with the following:

  • reporting options and the process involved within each option;  

  • counseling services available on campus and through a local, community-based rape crisis center or domestic violence program;  

  • medical and health services available on and off campus;  

  • available school-based supportive measures related to academic and residence life;  

  • the disciplinary process of the institution; and  

  • the legal process carried out through local law enforcement agencies. 

Confidential Resource Provider:

1. Angelo Bruno, Associate Athletic Director, External and Business Operations,, 508-565-1005, Sports Complex

Stonehill College encourages individuals to report incidents of gender-based misconduct to the College or to law enforcement authorities. The College respects that it is the individual’s decision whether or not to report the incident and that an individual can change their mind at any time. Options for reporting include the following:

  1. Report to the College, including Student Affairs staff or the Title IX Coordinator/Deputies
  2. Report to law enforcement, including Campus Police or the appropriate municipality
  3. Report to both the College and Law Enforcement
  4. Make an anonymous report
  5. Take no action.

Individuals may also file a report online HERE.



Gender-Based Misconduct Resources

Training Requirements Under Title IX

Visit this link to view a list of trainings conducted at Stonehill for its Title IX personnel, as well as training materials.

Title IX Coordinator and Deputies

The College recognizes the following individuals as the Title IX Coordinator/Deputies:

Alana Clark
Assistant General Counsel/ Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator
Donahue 204

Ali Hicks
Director of Community Standards/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Duffy 142

Lily Krentzman
Associate Vice President of Human Resources/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Merkert Tracy 145

Kaitlyn O'Malley
Deputy Director of Athletics/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Sports Complex 219E

For more information about the Gender-Based Misconduct Policy, please contact

Duffy Academic Center – 142

The Office of Community Standards seeks to provide students with a living and learning environment that reflects the values of the Stonehill community and supports the College's commitment to developing the moral, spiritual, intellectual and social competencies of our students.