• Olivia Roy ’19 – BA in computer science from Stonehill and BS in computer engineering from the University of Notre Dame
  • Danielle (Misiaszek) Ustas ’17 – BS in computer science and mathematics
  • Julia Afeltra ’16 – BS in mathematics and BA in psychology
  • Ashley (Horan) Palumbo ’15 – BS in physics from Stonehill and PhD in planetary geosciences from Brown University
  • Meghan Galiardi ’11 – BS in computer science from Stonehill and PhD in mathematics from the University of Illinois Urbana
  • Raquel Bromberg ’06 – BS in computer science from Stonehill, master’s degree in computer science from University of Texas Dallas, and PhD in biophysics from University of Texas Southwestern
  • Jennifer Burge ’04 – BS in computer science and BA in mathematics from Stonehill and MS in mathematics in Duke University