Available Restricted & Endowed Scholarships Requiring Application

The following Restricted & Endowed Scholarships are awarded for one year only through a special application process (although you may apply for consideration in subsequent years).  Most Restricted & Endowed Scholarships are earmarked for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors and require students to apply.

Application process begins March 1, 2025 and will be accepted until March 31, 2025. Applications will be prepared and reviewed during summer break and notifications will be sent through myHill prior to the start of the academic year.

The Matthew McDonough Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? All student entering sophomore, junior and senior year

The Matthew McDonough Memorial Scholarship was established in Matt’s memory. This Scholarship is awarded annually to academically qualified students with demonstrated financial need and is funded by family and friends of Matthew McDonough ’99.

About Matthew McDonough

Matthew McDonough was born on November 3, 1977 and raised in West Quincy, Massachusetts. He graduated from St. Agatha’s School in Milton and Boston College High School in Dorchester. According to Matt’s friends and family, more impressive than his stature (he was 6-foot-7 and 300 pounds) was his capacity for love and kindness toward others. Matt loved sports, playing football all four years at BC High and his first two years at Stonehill. He avidly cheered for both local professional teams and his schools’ athletic teams. He graduated from Stonehill in 1999 with a major in Accounting and a minor in Computer Information Systems. For four summers during his time at Stonehill, Matt worked the overnight shift at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. After graduation, Matt decided to delay his job search and take a month off. He died unexpectedly during the summer after his college graduation of complications caused by a blood clot. His family and friends remain close with Stonehill erecting a memorial outside of the Roche Dining Commons in Matt’s honor and establishing this scholarship in his memory.

Apply Matthew McDonough Memorial Scholarship

Curtis Lopes II Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? All student entering sophomore, junior and senior year who have participated in community service.

In recognition of what Curtis Lopes achieved in his life, the Curtis Lopes II Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to an upper class Stonehill student who has actively participated in community service and has a clear understanding of the need to help others. The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic record, financial need, and a short essay on the following topic;

Identify and describe a community service project in which you have been involved during the past two years. What was your role and how were others helped?

About Curtis Lopes II

This scholarship was established in memory of Curtis Lopes II, Class of 1982, who was an active participant in student government and community affairs during his four years at Stonehill College.

With his generous and altruistic spirit, he continually sought to enhance his hometown of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, instilling in others his own pride and sense of responsibility. He served as a board member of the Fairhaven Improvement Association, where he spearheaded fund-raising events to benefit his community and showcase the proud traditions, industry, and people of Fairhaven.

Apply Curtis Lopes II Memorial Scholarship 

William C. O’Malley Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? All rising sophomores, juniors and seniors who want to devote their lives to public service.

Recipients will be selected not only on the basis of financial need and academic performance, but on their recognition of the importance of choosing a career in public service and an essay on “The Value of Devoting One’s Life to Public Service.”

About William C. O’Malley

The Scholarship was established in memory of William C. O’Malley, a 1966 graduate of Stonehill College, who served as District Attorney of Plymouth County for 17 years. His dedication to the population he served is evidenced by his establishment of the Juvenile Diversion and Victim Witness Programs; his involvement in service organizations such as the RFK Society, the Old Colony YMCA, the Boys and Girls Club of Brockton; and his service as adjunct professor of Criminal justice at Stonehill.

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Lauren Michelle Branco Scholarship

Who can apply? Any female, rising sophomore, junior or senior who has demonstrated a commitment to making a difference in the lives of women either academically or through service.

Established in 2003, in memory of her life and work, the Lauren Michelle Branco Scholarship is awarded annually to a financially deserving female student who, through her academic and community work, has demonstrated a real commitment to making a difference in the lives of young women.

Recipients will be selected based on financial need and a brief essay on the applicant’s experience as a woman in today’s society.

About Lauren Michelle Branco

Lauren Michelle Branco showed deep understanding and dedication to both helping individuals and educating communities about women’s issues. She expressed her commitment to women’s issues in her writing, her work with undergraduate women while a student at Stonehill College, and her efforts with troubled girls after graduation. Lauren was a mentor and an inspiration, always willing to listen and encourage other young women through the difficult transition of growing up female in America. In speaking about the support that Lauren gave to her while she was a student at Stonehill, one young woman said simply; “She saved my life.”

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Greuter Lincoln Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? All female, rising sophomore, junior and senior students. With preference given to accounting majors.

Endowed in perpetuity, the Diane Grueter Lincoln Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving female Stonehill College student, with preference given to an accounting major.

The scholarship was established through the generosity of the family and friends of Diane Grueter Lincoln, Class of 1990. It is intended to serve as testament to the great impact which Diane has on lives of others. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister and business professional, Diane will forever be remembered.

Apply Grueter Lincoln Memorial Scholarship


Albert Cullum Memorial Teaching Scholarship

Who can apply? All rising junior and senior students who have completed the junior year experience pre-practicum through the education department.

The Albert Cullum Memorial Teaching Scholarship is awarded to (a) junior or senior student(s) who has (have) completed the junior year experience pre-practicum through the Education Department, and who has (have) a demonstrated financial need. It is desirous of the donors that the student(s) possess a natural love for Children and teaching.

About Albert Cullum

Albert Cullum was one of Stonehill’s most beloved professors. He was regarded by academics as being one of the most influential educators in the 1960s and 1970s. A documentary called A Touch of Greatness was made about his life in 2004.

In thanks for the tremendous impact Education Professor Cullum had on them, Russell and Meghan Stamm ’98 established the Albert Cullum Memorial Teaching Scholarship to honor his work and his memory at Stonehill.

Apply Albert Cullum Memorial Teaching Scholarship

The Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? This scholarship is by invitation only and for rising sophomore, junior and senior business majors who have achieved the highest GPA in their classes.

The Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. Memorial Scholarship yields two thirds of its annual distribution to three students known as the Moriarty Scholars. These students are Business Majors who have achieved the highest GPA in each of the rising sophomore, junior, and senior classes. In the event that more than one student qualifies within a specific class based on GPA, the eligible scholars will be asked to submit personal statements that demonstrate their good moral character, integrity, and their contributions to the Stonehill College community. The Moriarty scholar will be selected by a scholarship committee based on this application process. The remaining third is awarded to academically qualified Business Major Students from any class year who has demonstrated financial need.

This scholarship is funded by family and friends of Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr.

About Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr.

The Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1983 at a testimonial dinner at which Mr. Moriarty received Stonehill’s highest honor, the President’s Award. The college honored him for his personal and professional achievements and for his outstanding service to higher education.

A New Jersey native, Edmond N. Moriarty, Jr. was born on July 1, 1928. He graduated from St. Peter’s College with a B.S. degree in Economics and from New York University’s Graduate School of Business with a MBA degree. Ed attained the rank of Captain while serving as an Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1951-54. He then began his 43 year long career at Merrill Lynch. Hired as a trainee, he worked his way through various positions, and became the President of the Merrill Lynch White Weld Capital Markets group in 1982 thanks to a sense of judgment, professional leadership and intuitive understanding of the roles or business and society. Ed was a trustee of St. Peter’s College, Bucknell University, and Merrill Lynch’s Winthrop H. Smith Memorial Foundation. In 2007 Ed died of a heart attack, and was survived by his wife Virginia, a brother, a sister, two sons, five daughters, and eight grandchildren.

The Trooper Gary E. Magee Memorial Scholarship

Who can apply? Rising junior and senior criminology majors who are academically qualified an financially eligible with an intent to pursue a career in Criminal Justice and/or Law enforcement.

About Gary E. Magee

The Trooper Gary E. Magee Memorial Scholarship was established in 1989 by Richard E. and Jane A. Magee of South Easton, Massachusetts, in memory of their son Gary ’82.

Born in Brockton, Gary E. Magee was the son of Richard E. and Jane A. Magee. He was raised in South Easton and graduated from Oliver Ames High School. Gary graduated cum laude from Stonehill College in 1982 with a degree in Criminal Justice, having majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Public Administration. He then pursued graduate studies at SUNY-Albany where he was awarded a Master’s degree in Public Administration in 1987. He graduated from the Massachusetts State Police Academy in 1988. A member of the State Police Association, Gary was assigned to Troop C, Grafton Barracks in Grafton, Massachusetts during 1988 and 1989. After completing his education and only two years in the State Police Association, Gary passed away on August 8, 1989 following a three-month battle with cancer. This scholarship will honor his hard work and dedication to criminal justice and law enforcement.

Apply Trooper Gary E. Magee Memorial Scholarship

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