Stonehill’s estimated Cost of Attendance is comprised of Direct Costs (charges billed directly to you by the College) as well as Indirect Costs (estimated out-of-pocket costs). Indirect Costs (such as books and supplies, transportation, and personal expenses) will not appear on your tuition bill. Your actual charges may vary depending upon your course load, housing status, additional lab fees, method of purchasing books and the lifestyle choices that you make.

2025-2026 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Resident Students

2025-2026 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Cost Type


Tuition $58,000
Campus Fee $1,300
Food & Housing (Inclusive of dining & meal plan cost) $16, 850

Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs


Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:  
Additional Food Allowance (beyond base Meal Plan) $840
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $867
Transportation $675
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65

Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs


Estimated Cost of Attendance


Commuting Students

2025-2026 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Commuter living with Parent / Guardian

Cost Type


Tuition $58,000
Campus Fee $1,300

Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs


Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:  
Housing and Living Allowance $5,830
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $702
Transportation $2,063
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65

Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs


Estimated Cost of Attendance


Commuter living Off Campus

Cost Type


Tuition $58,000
Campus Fee $1,300

Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs


Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:  
Housing and Food Allowance $14,830
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $702
Transportation $1,488
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65

Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs


Estimated Cost of Attendance


2024-2025 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Resident Students

2024-2025 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Cost Type Enrolled After 2021-2022 Academic Year  Enrolled 2021-2022 Academic Year and Prior
Tuition $56,250 $55,250
Campus Fee $1,240 0
Food & Housing (Inclusive of dining & meal plan cost) $16,120 $18,360
Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs $73,610 $73,610
Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:    
Additional Food Allowance (beyond base Meal Plan) $840 $840
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893 $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $867 $867
Transportation $675 $675
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65 $65
Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs $3,340 $3,340
Estimated Cost of Attendance $76,950 $76,950

Commuting Students

2024-2025 Total Estimated Cost of Attendance

Commuter living with Parent / Guardian

Cost Type Enrolled After 2021-2022 Academic Year  Enrolled 2021-2022 Academic Year and Prior
Tuition $56,250 $55,250
Campus Fee $1,240 0
Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs $57,490 $55,250
Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:    
Housing and Living Allowance $5,830 $5,830
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893 $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $702 $702
Transportation $2,063 $2,063
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65 $65
Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs $9,553 $9,553
Estimated Cost of Attendance $67,043 $64,803

Commuter living Off Campus

Cost Type Enrolled After 2021-2022 Academic Year  Enrolled 2021-2022 Academic Year and Prior
Tuition $56,250 $55,250
Campus Fee $1240 0
Estimated Total Billed (Direct) Costs $57,490 $55,250
Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs:    
Housing and Food Allowance $14,830 $14,830
Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment $893 $893
Miscellaneous / Personal $702 $702
Transportation $1,488 $1,488
Federal Stafford Fees (average) $65 $65
Estimated Total Non-Billed (Indirect) Costs $17,978 $17,978
Estimated Cost of Attendance $75,468 $73,228

*State law requires that students taking nine or more credits carry health insurance and annually provide proof of such insurance to the College. In July, students are billed for a Stonehill College insurance plan, which for the 2023-2024 academic year costs $3,869. The premium can be waived if proof of comparable health insurance coverage is provided.

**Economics majors will be assessed a Software Technology Fee of $100. All other majors within the Leo J. Meehan School of Business, with the exception of Healthcare Administration, will be assessed a Software Technology Fee of $200.

*** Students are allowed to request increase for costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or first professional credential. Students should submit request to office of Student Financial Services.

**** Cost of attendance may change based on other fees, including specific course fees. A full listing of all fees can be found on Student Accounts, here.

The provided cost of attendance is based on full-time enrollment for fall and spring semester. Part-time enrollment will impact as students total billed and indirect costs. Students are required to apply for part-time status through the Office of Academic Advising.

Prior Year Cost of Attendance

The Office of Student Financial Assistance helps students and families understand the cost of attending college and identifies funding resources which can make higher education more affordable.