Refund Policy
For the complete College withdrawal and refund policy, please refer to this link on the General Counsel's webpage.
A refund, when due, will be made payable to the student and mailed to the student’s home address unless the College is instructed otherwise in writing. When the deposit of a Parent Loan results in a credit balance, the refund will be made payable to the parent and mailed to the parent’s home address. The refund process takes 10-14 days. No refund is made on a personal or electronic check until 15 days after it is deposited by the College. A refund will not be made for an amount less than $25 unless a student has graduated or withdrawn from the College.
Student/parent loans and government grants are deposited in the student’s tuition account. If a credit balance results, the student will automatically receive a refund if federal financial aid exceeds billed costs. Otherwise, the credit balance will remain on the account and be applied toward subsequent semester charges unless the student or parent specifically requests a refund. Refund requests are made through MyHill.
For fiscal reasons, the College must anticipate that enrolled students will complete the semester to which they were admitted and the number of courses for which they have enrolled. Should it be necessary for a student to withdraw from the College prior to the end of a semester, the student is to notify the Office of Academic Services, immediately and in person, of the official withdrawal and last date of class attendance. At this time, the date of withdrawal for tuition charge adjustment purposes is determined. This date will be used by the Director of Student Accounts to determine the amount of the adjustment to the charges.
A student who leaves the College without officially notifying the Office of Academic Services and Advising either in person or in writing will receive any refund based on the last date of attendance as determined by that office, and calculated by the Director for Student Accounts according to federal Title IV regulations. A student who is dismissed from the College forfeits all rights to a refund within federal Title IV regulations.
Financial aid recipients who anticipate withdrawing are advised to consult with Student Financial Assistance regarding refund eligibility and the effect of the withdrawal on determination of Satisfactory Academic Progress as it applies to the future eligibility for aid. Under federal regulations, if a student is due a refund and that student received any funds from or through federal sources, the first dollars of the refund will be returned to the federal aid program(s) involved, and then to any other programs as stipulated in federal regulations. A refund due directly to the student (after refunding other aid) will be applied first to the student’s unpaid charges.
Room and Board Refunds
The date of a student’s withdrawal from residency shall be determined by the Director of Residence Life and will be used to determine the adjustment to room and board, and meal plan charges.
Full-time students who reduce their course load to fewer than 4 courses per semester forfeit eligibility for room and board privileges.
Please note that fees are non-refundable.
To Request a Refund
Requests must be made online through MyHill. Scroll down to Financial Aid and Bill, then choose Manage My Credit Balance. Please then select the option to request a check refund.
Once all funds from financial aid sources have been received, a check will be mailed to your home address. Please note that requests can take two weeks for processing once all funds have been received.
Tuition Refund Insurance
As a supplement to our refund policy, Stonehill has partnered with Grad Guard to offer an optional tuition protection plan for those who withdraw for covered medical reasons. The deadline to enroll in this plan is the the day before classes start for the semester. Further details regarding this plan are available by clicking here.
Contact Information
Visit Student Accounts for information on student billing, tuition and fees, payment plans, and tax benefits of education.