The following areas of responsibility in Finance and Operations include:

  • Budget Office

    The Budget Office is responsible for overseeing the allocation and management of Stonehill’s financial resources. The annual budget development process and ongoing budget monitoring efforts are central to the Office’s functions.

  • Campus Police

    The Mission of the Stonehill College Police Department is to provide comprehensive law enforcement services that enhance the educational mission of the college.

  • Controller's Office

    The Controller’s Office collects, processes and reports financial information about the College to internal and external decision makers, and ensures that the College is in compliance with all federal, state and regulatory financial guidelines.

  • Information Technology

    The Department of Information Technology provides college-wide technology services to Stonehill students, faculty and staff.

  • Institutional Research and Assessment

    The Office of Institutional Research & Assessment (IR&A) functions as Stonehill's official institutional data source by collecting and providing timely, reliable college-related data to internal and external audiences. 

  • Operations Management

    The Department of Operations provides the Stonehill College community with superior services, safe and modern facilities, and a healthy environment through a commitment to efficiency, sustainability, and excellence on the part of each of our employees.

  • Student Financial Assistance

    The Office of Student Financial Assistance helps students and families understand the cost of attending college and identifies funding resources which can make higher education more affordable.

Contact Information

Michele A. Casey

Executive Assistant
Merkert Tracy 235