Summer Residential Housing Policies & Guest Code of Conduct


Campus Police: (508) 565-5555

*When dialing 911 from a cell phone, your call will be answered by the Massachusetts State Police or the Easton Police Department. For direct and prompt response, dial Campus Police at (508) 565-5555.

*Emergency call boxes are located throughout campus. Pressing the emergency button will connect you to Campus Police Dispatch.  




235 N. Pearl Street, Brockton, MA 02301 | Main Hospital: (508) 427-3000 


21 Bristol Road, South Easton, MA 02375 | Main Number: (508) 565-7100



In the event that a fire alarm sounds:

*Vacate the building as quickly as possible via the nearest Fire Exit.

*Do not use the elevators; use the nearest stairway.

*Walk, do not run, to the nearest exit.

*If you are in your room, CLOSE the windows, LEAVE the light ON, CLOSE the door, and WALK briskly to the nearest Fire Exit.

*Any summer guest who fails to evacuate the residence area immediately upon sounding of the fire alarm will jeopardize that guest’s residence status.

*Sounding a false fire alarm will lead to immediate loss of residency, criminal prosecution, and removal from campus.

*The College advises all residents to familiarize themselves with the location of Fire Extinguishers, Fire Alarm Boxes, and Fire Exits.

*Exit routes are posted in each residence hall room.

*The Fire Code has been designed by the College in association with the Easton Fire/Rescue Department to ensure the safety of all guests and to prevent the occurrence of fire. This Fire Code meets all the requirements set forth in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Fire Prevention Regulations and Stonehill College policies.

Fire Protection Equipment:

*The discharging of fire extinguishers, except to extinguish a fire, is prohibited. The result will be immediate loss of residency, criminal prosecution, and removal from campus.

*Sprinkler heads, heat detectors, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and fire alarm pull boxes must always remain unobstructed. Tampering with or causing fire alarm and fire fighting equipment to become inoperable will lead to immediate loss of residency, criminal prosecution, and removal from campus.


It is prohibited for any item to impede an emergency egress.

*Hallways, corridors, and fire escapes shall always remain unobstructed.

*Bicycles in corridors or stairwells are prohibited.

*All doorways must always remain clear and unobstructed.

*Wardrobes, dressers, and beds must be kept against the walls and must not obstruct doors or heaters.

*Fire exit doors in all Residence Areas are alarmed and are to be used only in an emergency. Unwarranted use of the alarmed doors will lead to immediate loss of residency, criminal prosecution, and removal from campus.

*Exterior entrance doors to all residential buildings should be closed and locked at all times. If left open or propped, an alarm will sound.

*Fire doors are to remain closed at all times since they act to contain toxic fumes, smoke and fire to a limited area.


*Other than normal wear and tear, all damages to any College property will be the responsibility of the Host Program and/or its program guests. 

*Report all maintenance issues and damages to the Conference & Event Services Department. 

*The College prohibits guests from introducing or tampering with electrical components.

*Decorations and posters must be approved by the Conference & Event Services Department. 

*Candles and any flammables are prohibited on campus. 

*Campus guests are prohibited from bringing any additional furniture or appliances onto campus unless approved by the Conference & Event Services Department. Guest movement of college-owned furniture is prohibited; requests/arrangements must be made with the Conference & Event Services Department. 

*College personnel may inspect utilized campus areas for violations and safety. 


Stonehill College, as a private Catholic institution of higher learning, holds high expectations of how campus guests and visitors interact with one another and the College community.  The following conduct are violations of the Community Standards expected of guests and visitors: 

*Violation of any federal, state, or local law.

*Participation in the disruption or obstruction of College operations; the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; the duties of law enforcement, fire, or other agencies; breaking the peace or leading or inciting others in acts of disruption or obstruction.

*Failure to comply with the request of a College official or law enforcement, fire, or other public officials acting in the performance of their duties; or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so. 

*Failure to abide by the College’s Network Use Policy.

*Unauthorized solicitation.

*Failure to comply with any College Policy.

*Conduct that is lewd or indecent.

*Assisting or encouraging another person to engage in a violation of any College Policy.

*Attempted or actual theft of College property, the property of others, public/private property, or the identity of another, and/or the possession of stolen property.

*Attempted or actual damage or vandalism to College property, the property of others, or public/private property, whether such damage intentional, negligent, or careless.

*Trespassing or unauthorized entry or attempted entry to or use of College premises including, but not limited to, roofs, balconies, roadways, ponds, or waterways.

*Bias Related Acts, Physical Abuse/Violence, or Harassment of any kind. 

*Failure to abide by the College Policy and state law against Hazing.

*Failure to abide by the College Weapons Policy.

*Creating a fire hazard or a situation that endangers others such as false reports of fire or bombs, possession of fireworks, failing to evacuate, throwing objects from windows, or tampering with, damaging, or removing fire safety equipment.

Drug Policy:

The possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited on College property. The unauthorized use or possession of drugs prescribed for medical purposes is also strictly prohibited. Stonehill College does not allow the use or possession of marijuana on its campus, or at any location, event, or activity sponsored or controlled by the College; reference the College’s Statement on Use of Marijuana. 

 Alcohol Policy:

Massachusetts law forbids the possession, sale, serving, and procurement of alcoholic beverages to and by persons under 21 years of age. The law also forbids falsifying age and identification cards. Use or possession of alcohol on College premises, except at approved functions (regardless of age) is prohibited.

Tobacco Policy:

Smoking is prohibited in any College facility. Smoking outside of building must be done a minimum of 25 feet from all buildings, and all debris must be properly extinguished and discarded. 

Dining Services:

Shirts and shoes are required upon entering the Roche Dining Commons facility. Rules and regulations set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Town of Easton Board of Health are strictly enforced. Patrons are expected to bus their own tables upon completion of their meal. 

Pet Policy:

Summer program guests may not have pets of any kind in their rooms or on campus. 

Latex Policy:

The College has issued a ban on latex balloons and products until further notice. Use of a non-latex substitute other than mylar must receive approval from the Director of Conference & Event Services. 

Campus Speed Limit and Parking:

Speed Limit on campus is 20 miles per hour at all times. Parking is available and permitted in designated parking areas. 


College Policy and Code of Conduct violations by campus guests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with College Administration and the host program, and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including removal from campus in accordance with College’s No-Trespass (Ban Notice) Policy.