Merit Pages
The Merit platform is designed to help students showcase their academic and extracurricular achievements.
The Office of Communications & Media Relations uses Merit, a third-party platform, to share students’ accomplishments with their hometown newspaper, high school, local elected officials and parents/guardians. The types of achievements posted on Merit include, but are not limited to:
- Dean’s List
- Conference Presentations
- Academic Awards
- Extracurricular Honors
Maintaining Your Page
Each school year, the College creates a Merit page for each new student who enrolls at Stonehill. The Office of Communications and Media Relations updates individual Merit pages when they learn of students’ achievements. Students will receive an email any time their page is revised by Stonehill staff.
Students can enhance their Merit page with a photo, biography and work experience. They can also link their Merit page to their personal Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn pages so that any updates are automatically posted to those platforms.