Campus Ministry Programs

  • Mass Schedule & Events

    There are a variety of options for celebrating Mass at Stonehill College. Throughout the academic year, two Sunday Masses are held in the Chapel of Mary and three daily Masses are offered on campus. 

  • Programs for Current Students

    As a Stonehill student, you’ll find many opportunities to express and nurture your faith. We welcome students of all religious traditions and actively seek to foster a culture where differences – and commonalities – are embraced and openly shared.

  • L.I.G.H.T. Community Engagement Program

    The L.I.G.H.T. Program empowers students to learn from, foster relationships with, journey alongside, and advocate for members of our local community. This initiative provides the Stonehill community opportunities for meaningful service experiences that challenge and teach them to be agents of social change committed to the creation of a just and compassionate world.

About Our Holy Cross Tradition

In the Holy Cross tradition of educating the mind and heart, Campus Ministry encourages students to think, act and lead with courage to create a more just and compassionate world. We are people who believe in God. Rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, we encourage believers of all traditions:

  • To worship God in an integrated way and with deepening faith
  • To learn about their religion and God's action in the world
  • To develop a personal spirituality
  • To live a moral life which affirms religious and spiritual values
  • To seek the common good
  • To attend to the needs of the suffering, especially the poor

Mission Statement

he mission of Campus Ministry is to provide an experience of church that enables members of the college community to grasp anew the gospel of Jesus Christ and to possess a religious and moral competence to live as women and men of peace in a global community, with the personal courage to challenge injustice, violence and inequity wherever it exists.

  • Campus Ministry seeks to create a learning environment that supports the discovery of one's deepest longing and fidelity to vocation in God.
  • Campus Ministry seeks to create a campus environment in which members of the College community can experience, claim and celebrate the richness of its Catholic and Holy Cross tradition.
  • Campus Ministry seeks to create an environment of trust so that relationships can be built and understanding can abound between diverse persons.
  • Campus Ministry seeks to create a just living environment in which all members are responsible agents of justice and peace.

Contact Information

Campus Ministry offers a vibrant combination of liturgical life, retreat life, faith formation, service opportunities and sacramental initiation. As students worship God, serve the common good and reflect on the action of God in the world, they attend to the deepest and most authentic part of themselves, integrating spiritual life within the rich tradition of a Catholic education.