Preserving The Bauman Collection

Preserving the Collection
The Stonehill College Archives and Historical Collections' staff is currently working on a long-term project to process the collection, which will ensure its preservation and researcher access.
This process involves:
- cleaning the collection,
- assessing negatives for damage and preservation concerns,
- placing negatives into archival enclosures and boxes,
- creating electronic finding aids for the collection using Mr. Bauman's handwritten and typed paper indexes.
During this process, the collection is open on a limited basis. The collection contains a limited number of negatives from the 1930s-1946. To date, our staff processed and indexed over 50,000 envelopes containing over 100,000 negatives for the period of 1946 to 1961. Student interns are currently working on processing envelopes from 1959. If you would like to request a photograph or want more information about the collection please contact us at or visit our Researching the Bauman Collection page.
How to Find Images