Information for Researchers
The Stonehill College Archives and Historical Collections is open to on- and off-campus researchers. This page provides information on conducting research at the Archives, as well as the rules, policies, and procedures all researchers must follow.
Searching the Collection
Stonehill's collections are open for research with a few restrictions. To search our collections please visit our ArchivesSpace site at (instructions provided above). This site provides information about the records available, not the records themselves. If you find items of interest please use this form to contact us. It's possible we may be able to send a scanned pdf of documents, depending on volume and condition of the records.
Scheduling an Appointment
Archives staff are unable to accommodate walk-in researchers, tours, or general inquiries.
Please visit our Location, Hours, and Appointments webpage for more details.
Preparing for Your Visit
It is important that you plan ahead for your visit due to the policies and procedures in place to protect our collections. Whether from on- or off-campus, all researchers are expected to follow the same set of policies and procedures.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages are prohibited from the Archives. Under no circumstances are researchers allowed to bring food (including chewing gum) or beverages into the reading room.
While food and beverages are prohibited from the Archives, we are happy to provide you with information regarding on- and off-campus dining. Information on On-Campus Dining can be found here.
In addition, there are numerous off-campus dining options within a few minutes drive of Stonehill. Some of these dining option include:
Personal Belongings
Backpacks, briefcases, purses, computer or other bags, notebooks, binders, and outer clothing are not allowed in the Archives reading room. Pencils are the only writing implement allowed in the reading room. This means any ink-based writing implements (e.g., pens, markers, highlighters, etc.) are prohibited from the reading room. All such items must be stored in the coat closet prior to beginning research.
Outer clothing like sport coats, sweaters, and scarves may be worn in the reading room but, once removed, must be placed in the coat closet. Loose clothing may not be draped on chairs or laid on work spaces in the reading room.
Researchers may bring laptop and tablet computers into the library. Computers must be removed from their carrying cases or bags, and the cases or bags must be stored in the coat closet.
We reserve the right for Archives staff members to examine computers each time they are removed from the reading room by the researcher.
For information on using cameras please see Reproductions & Copying, policy number B-2.
Research Notes
Researchers are strongly urged to bring personal notes in electronic form on a laptop or tablet computer. Researchers are not allowed to bring notebooks, folders, or loose leaf notepaper into the library.
Arriving at the Archives
An Archives staff member will greet you upon your arrival and help you get settled in. It is important to note that all personal belongings will need to be stored in our coat closet. While the coat closet is constantly monitored by Archives staff, the closet itself does not lock. Please see the Personal Belongings section above for details on what items need to be stored in the coat closet.
The Archives and Historical Collections Department hosts collections that document the history of Stonehill, Southeastern Massachusetts, and/or support the mission of the College.