Study Abroad Inspires Students to Think Globally
Whether for a full semester or shorter seminar, Stonehill’s program gives students in the Meehan School of Business and May School of Arts & Sciences the chance to augment their learning in a way available only to those who step outside their normal world.
As a member of Stonehill’s NCAA Division I swim team, Sharlotte Lundell ’25 is familiar with immersive experiences. So, when given the opportunity to study in Italy for a semester, she dove right in.
“Giving up a semester of my swim season was a big decision,” says Lundell, who hails from Bourne, Massachusetts, and graduated from Sturgis East Charter School. The upside? Eye-opening discoveries unlocked through travel across Europe — from stops in France, Spain and Ireland to an Oktoberfest in Germany. “I’d decide with friends at dinner where to go next. It was so surreal to shout out countries and then just go to them when Friday came,” she adds.
The opportunity to see the world is an intended benefit of the college’s Study Abroad Program, which offers a range of options for students to learn far from their accustomed Easton campus.
“Simply living in an international community is an education itself,” notes Hillary Sabbagh, director of Stonehill’s Office of International Programs.
A Destination and Program for Everyone
A semester abroad is a requirement for students with certain majors, such as international business and languages, and it is also available to sophomores and juniors seeking to broaden their world view. Study abroad at Stonehill emphasizes diversity at every level — in the countries students can choose from, the areas of study they can pursue and even the duration of the programs offered.
From STEM to business and humanities courses, students can tailor their experience to align with their areas of study. While Europe remains a popular destination, Sabbagh notes the recent addition of programs in Asia and Africa based on student interest.
“I knew I wanted to do a study abroad, and I wanted to go somewhere different,” said Bourne resident and Sturgis graduate Jaxon Prophett ’25, a computer science major with a minor in entrepreneurship, who spent a semester at Reykjavik University in Iceland.
Across locations and areas of study, Stonehill selects its study abroad partner institutions through a rigorous evaluation process. Partner universities offer ample courses taught in English so students can access learning while immersing themselves in a new cultural environment.
A psychology and education studies major, Lundell, the swimmer, completed a wide range of elective courses — from the digital marketing of wine to art therapy — while studying at the Umbra Institute in Perugia.
She also got a firsthand look at the dynamics of an international classroom while volunteering at a Montessori elementary school there. “Before then, I’d never been the one in a classroom speaking the ‘other’ language,” she says. “It was fascinating to watch the teacher piecing together English for her students.”
Lundell added that the study abroad team simplified the logistics involved with studying internationally, from choosing a program to applying for a visa. “They break down the process into smaller steps and make it manageable.”
Shorter-Term Programs Sustain Long-Term Benefits
For those students unable to spend a full semester abroad due to academic or extracurricular commitments, Stonehill now offers travel seminars, a shorter-term option to access the benefits of international learning. These three-credit courses feature seven to 10 days of travel over spring break, with a few required meetings on the Stonehill campus before and after the week abroad. The seminars highlight a focused topic tied to a specific location, such as Irish literature in Ireland, or the response of Christian churches to Nazi persecution in Germany.
Sabbagh says those initial travel seminars have been popular with students and there are plans to expand them into new countries and topic areas. Students can also choose from summer study abroad programs if a traditional semester abroad does not work for them.
“These alternative programs are condensed, yet enriching, educational adventures,” she says. “They still enable students to step outside their comfort zones and engage with cultures different from their own, fostering a deeper understanding of global issues and perspectives.”
Giulia Ensing ’19, after graduating from Stonehill, she pursued a master’s degree in global health at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and recently returned to that city to work for a medical device startup.
Travel: An Education in Itself
Most students who study abroad point to international travel itself as a significant draw, calling trips within and beyond their host country “transformative.” Planned excursions let students explore historical landmarks, museums and other attractions, enhancing their learning experience through hands-on experiences steeped in the culture and history of their host country.
For Giulia Ensing ’19, a Melrose, Massachusetts native, who also studied in Italy, European culture proved itself an enticing long-term prospect. After graduating from Austin Preparatory School in Melrose and later Stonehill, she pursued a master’s degree in global health at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and recently returned to that city to work for a medical device startup. She says her semester abroad made her unafraid to seek growth opportunities, whether living in a new country or pursuing a new career direction. “Living the Italian way gave me a new perspective,” she says. “The slower pace and ease of travel in Europe had big appeal, and I knew I’d be back.”
The study abroad experience does not need to inspire international relocation to transform a student’s outlook. James Harwood ’24 says his semester in Scotland challenged him academically, as the finance and entrepreneurship courses he took were taught in a more self-guided style. But his most significant takeaway from the experience was the sense of independence he gained from living on his own in a new country.
“It just boosts your confidence,” he notes. “You have to go out in the world and find what you need on your own, without someone giving you the answers.”
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