Faculty, staff, students, and other community members came together on Wednesday, August 28, to mark the beginning of Stonehill College’s 76th year at Academic Convocation. Peter Ubertaccio, vice president for academic affairs, presided over the ceremony, which was held in the Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex.

During the program, speakers encouraged community members to embrace discovery, remain resilient and transform fear into strength.

Expressing Compassion

The celebration opened with the Invocation, offered by Rachel Ellis ’25. The senior asked that God help members of the Stonehill community be diligent and enthusiastic as they complete their work this academic year.

“Open our hearts so that we may have the courage to act in ways which express our shared love for this community,” she prayed. “May all we do this year reflect your love for us.”

Rachel Ellis '25

Kara McManus ’24

Exploring Fearlessly and Joyfully

Kara McManus ’24 introduced Professor of Political Science & International Studies Robert Rodgers, recipient of the 2023 Hegarty Award for Excellence in Teaching. The student remarked that the dedicated faculty member’s influence extends beyond students’ academics.

“He is a mentor, a guide, and a steadfast supporter,” she said. “Personally, I am deeply grateful for his guidance, which has shaped my education and career path in ways I will cherish for years to come.”

Following McManus’ opening, Rodgers offered remarks imploring members of the Stonehill community to “explore new ideas and new ways of thinking.”

“Do this exploration fearlessly and joyfully,” he said. “Expose yourself to people whose ideas and beliefs are different from your own and engage with them. Don’t be passive. Rather, debate big, contentious ideas and issues, but make sure you do this thoughtfully and respectfully, listening as much as speaking.”

Read Rodgers’ full address.

Professor of Political Science & International Studies Robert Rodgers

Left to Right: President John Denning, C.S.C., Associate Professor of Business Management Robert Spencer, and Vice President for Academic Affairs Peter Ubertaccio

Connecting and Inspiring

Vice President for Academic Affairs Ubertaccio read the citation bestowing the 2024 Hegarty Award upon Associate Professor of Business Management Robert Spencer highlighted the dynamism he brings to each class, as well as his ability to connect with and inspire students.

“His openness to feedback and commitment to refining his teaching methods ensure that his students receive the most relevant and impactful education,” the citation read. “He encourages active participation and adapts his lessons to the unique dynamics of each class, making the learning experience both engaging and practical.”

Read the citation.

Broadening Horizons

Alumni Council President Cicily (Roberts) Shaw ’97 presented seniors with their class pins, which they will wear at Commencement in May as a symbol of their academic accomplishment and personal development. She also presented the Class of 2028 with their first-year pins and welcomed transfer students to the community.

“Stonehill sees you both as a student and as a whole person and will provide opportunities to broaden your horizon in many ways, including academics, athletics, volunteering and community outreach,” Shaw remarked. “You will make lifelong friends here who will support you in everything you do.”

Adapting to Changes and Challenges

Senior Class President Guilherme Vaz ’25 presented President John Denning, C.S.C., with the Class of 2025’s shovel, an entrenching tool that was used by the United States military throughout the 1890s. Vaz selected this shovel because of its multifunctionality and adaptability, two characteristics that he and his peers have exhibited throughout their time at Stonehill.

“Just like this shovel, we have become tools of great versatility, honing abilities to not only survive but to thrive in a world that is constantly changing,” he said. “With our time here, we have been equipped with skills and the resilience needed to take on the challenges thrown at us by the world.”

Alumni Council President Cicily (Roberts) Shaw '97

President John Denning, C.S.C.

Conquering Fear

In his speech, President Denning reminded those in attendance that Stonehill is a safe and supportive place to build important character traits that will enable them to conquer their fears.

“Faculty and staff will help every step of the way, but you all must act—by making your voice heard in the classroom, participating in activities, and serving the community,” he said.

Read his full speech.

Striving to Learn and Grow

Bringing Convocation to a close with the Benediction, Professor of Religious Studies & Theology Stephen Wilbricht, C.S.C., asked that God look upon the Stonehill community and give its members “the desire to learn all things well.” 

“Whether in the classroom or on the playing field, in administrative offices or in our residence halls, may we be united in our efforts to be light and hope for all,” he prayed.