Outstanding Faculty Service Award for Debra Salvucci
In 2013, Stonehill College is proud to bestow the Outstanding Faculty Service Award on Professor Debra Salvucci.
The Outstanding Faculty Service Award is given to a full-time faculty member whose service has significantly advanced the mission of Stonehill College. Education for citizenship is integral to a liberal arts education, and just as we expect our students to lead lives of purpose and to make a difference in the world, we expect the same from our faculty. Therefore, public service and service to the academic community are highly valued by the faculty at Stonehill College. This award recognizes a cumulative record of noteworthy accomplishment in service on the part of a faculty member. The recipient stands as a symbol of the entire faculty’s commitment to sustaining our community. In 2013 Stonehill College is proud to bestow the Outstanding Faculty Service Award on Professor Debra M. Salvucci.
You came to Stonehill in 1985 for a one-semester appointment and the rest, as they say, is history. From the beginning, you challenged and championed students as you compiled an excellent teaching record and mentored students into internships, graduate schools, and careers. In 1994, you were awarded the Louise Hegarty Award for Excellence in Teaching. This year you were awarded the Student Government Association Faculty Appreciation Award.
In one of your annual reviews, one of your colleagues commented that “Deb does two or three times her share of the normal duties expected of faculty.” What an understatement! You have served on so many committees and task forces during your time at Stonehill that even a very good accountant would lose track: the SURE Advisory Committee, the Orientation Committee, the Honors Program Advisory Committee, the General Education Committee just to name a few. Your commitment to meeting students beyond the classroom is seen in your role as a Community Associate and advising many student groups including the Cheerleading squad! Your interests and talents simply know no bounds.
Without question, the present success of the Business Administration Program is inextricably woven to your time at Stonehill. At different moments, you have coordinated the Accounting program, the Finance program, the Internship program and you were instrumental in the establishment and subsequent elimination of the Masters in Accountancy Program, both for excellent reasons. Once the department made the decision to pursue accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), they turned to you in 2007 to serve as Chair and guide the time-consuming and complex process to meet the rigorous standards for accreditation. The hard work of the department combined with your strategic leadership culminated in our successful initial AACSB accreditation in 2011.
Besides the careful attention you have given to the operational, you were no less attentive to the strategic. You represented the faculty for years on the Strategic Planning Committee, the Institutional Assessment Committee, and were intimately involved with previous strategic plans and re-accreditation processes. In fact, you coordinated the College’s initial assessment initiative and lent your wisdom to more than a few mission critical institutional searches including the Athletic Director and the Vice President for Finance.
For that infectious smile that invites collaboration and for that wise and generous spirit that does not refuse the invitation to serve, we honor you today.
And so with deep pride we today recognize you, Professor Debra M. Salvucci, for your tireless service, consistent example, and exemplary contributions to Stonehill College.
Given this second day of May,
Two thousand and thirteen