This summer, Stonehill College students are gaining professional experience through internships at impressive organizations like the New England Revolution, Tufts Medical Center, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the Department of Homeland Security, and General Dynamics Mission Systems, among others. As Skyhawks learn new skills and collaborate with experienced professionals across various fields, we asked staff from the College’s Navigation Center for Student Success to offer their best internship advice. 

1. Find Your Passion

“Internships are a great way for you to confirm something you think you might love is indeed what you love…but they are also great ways to discover things you may not be so in love with. Sometimes knowing what you don’t want because of an internship is as valuable as knowing what you do want.” – Assistant Director of Career Development Renee Bernier ’13

2. Be of Service

“Interns who are the most successful are the ones who show up to be helpful. Everyone remembers the intern who was always willing to pitch in on a project, take notes, proofread a document, or help in some other way. Every chance you have to help someone out, take it. If you have downtime, let someone know and ask, ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’” – Executive Director of Student Success Christina Burney

3. Make the Experience Your Own

“Internships are what you make of them. Take them as an opportunity to apply your knowledge from the classroom, network with professionals, and ask questions! Keep in mind that internships are a learning experience, so learn all that you can in whatever way that looks like for you.” – Career Advisor Karlie Garden

4. Believe in Yourself

“Remember, you are there because you have what it takes, and you are also there to learn. Trust in the skills you have and give your best effort to each task early on. It will take time to build trust with your coworkers and supervisor. That’s okay! Proofread your work, complete things on time, and you will see how quickly they grow to rely on you, train you in new skills, and want to support your future career.” – Director of Career Development Andrew Leahy ’05

5. Embrace It All

“Take it all in. The role, the culture and the leadership. Meet with co-workers from different departments to get a unique perspective. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore your interests and to learn what really resonates with you.” – Career Development Administrative Assistant Karen Santo

About the Navigation Center for Student Success

Success in college depends on finding and engaging with the mentors and opportunities that best serve your goals. Whether choosing a major, exploring internships and career options or getting assistance with classes, the Navigation Center helps guide you on your individual path towards success at Stonehill, and beyond.