College donates protective equipment to local emergency services
During the COVID-19 pandemic, leading toward the creation of a more just and compassionate world starts in our own backyard.
Last week, staff and faculty members united to provide personal protective equipment and other supplies to Easton’s Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, Signature Healthcare/Brockton Hospital and Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton.
Answering the Call
When Easton Fire Chief Kevin Partridge asked if the College could help with the provision of personal protective equipment, the College’s Health Services, Chemistry Department, and Biology Department went into action.
They swiftly identified and gathered the supplies from their offices, departments and labs. Those supplies included N95 masks, surgical masks, bleach wipes, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves, disposable gowns, alcohol prep pads, and disposable face shields.
They also connected with Brockton Hospital and Good Samaritan and have shared supplies with them or are in the process of doing so.
The safety and health of our local medical and emergency services providers, who are on the front-lines of this pandemic, are very much on our minds and in our prayers at this time.
Joining Sullivan in this local outreach were: Professor Bronwyn Heather Bleakley (Biology) Professor Marilena Hall (Chemistry), Professor Louis Liotta (Chemistry) and Instructional Technical Manager Fatima Seuffert (Chemistry).
Representatives from Easton Fire and EMT Department, Brockton Hospital and Good Samaritan all expressed their gratitude and assured the College that our donations will make a difference for the health and safety of their front line colleagues.