The Award for Excellence in Advising & Mentoring recognizes a faculty member who goes above and beyond in fostering the academic, professional, and personal growth of each student. Their advising transcends individual meetings, creating a supportive and inclusive environment where students feel empowered to explore their potential. This individual cultivates a spirit of collaboration and positivity, and their dedication, empathy, and inspiring approach embody the Light and Hope at the heart of Stonehill, leaving a lasting impression on the lives of their advisees and the campus community as a whole.  In 2024, Stonehill College is proud to bestow the Award for Excellence in Advising & Mentoring on Professor Jennifer Swanson.

Professor Jenn Swanson's exceptional dedication to student success and mentorship at Stonehill College has garnered widespread recognition and praise. Known for her unwavering commitment to each advisee's academic journey and post-graduation achievements, she stands as a beacon of care and thoughtful guidance within the Meehan School of Business. Through her tireless efforts, Professor Swanson ensures that every student she advises receives personalized support to navigate their goals and aspirations at Stonehill and beyond.

With over a decade of co-teaching experience and extensive involvement in international programs, Professor Swanson's impact on student learning and professional development is profound. Her leadership skills and calm demeanor have been evident during international trips, where she not only imparts knowledge but also handles challenging situations with grace and expertise. Additionally, her commitment to global education extends to bringing students to various countries, enriching their experiences and broadening their perspectives.

Beyond her advisory roles, Professor Swanson's service to Stonehill College spans diverse areas, including governance, curriculum development, and accreditation efforts. Her contributions to committees and leadership positions, both within the college and in professional organizations, highlight her dedication to enhancing academic excellence and fostering inclusivity. Moreover, her scholarly endeavors and training sessions for corporate and government entities underscore her commitment to advancing knowledge and expertise beyond the classroom.

Professor Swanson's impact on the Stonehill community is profound and far-reaching, as evidenced by the testimonials of grateful students and colleagues. Her genuine kindness, accessibility, and willingness to go above and beyond for her students have left an indelible mark on generations of Stonehill College students. 

And so, with deep pride, we confer the 2024 Award for Excellence in Advising & Mentoring to you, Professor Jennifer Swanson, for your tireless service, consistent example, and exemplary contributions to Stonehill College.

Given this 2nd day of May, Two Thousand Twenty-Four

(Rev.) John Denning, C.S.C., President

Peter Ubertaccio, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs