Dear Members of the Stonehill Community, 

As classes begin today, I wish to welcome each of you to the 74th academic year of Stonehill College.  

Last weekend was a joyous time as students settled into their residence halls. I always enjoy the opportunity to meet our new students and their families, as well as welcome back our returning students. Thank you to everyone who worked to make move-in a smooth transition. Please enjoy a brief video with highlights from the weekend.

I also wish to invite you to attend Convocation tomorrow beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the Sports Complex as we officially mark the start of the academic year.  

In addition, there are many upcoming events and fairs sponsored by Campus Ministry, the Office of Intercultural Affairs, and the Office of Student Affairs (to name just a few) to learn about ways you can deepen your own experience during your time here.  

At the Opening Mass of the Holy Spirt yesterday, a prayer for the new academic year was shared. It read in part:  

“Grant us a heart of welcoming to new members of our community and to those returning. Form us in the ways of critical and creative thinking and compassionate service so that we might become good citizens of this world and the world to come. Grant us the wisdom to make good choices, the zeal to be enthusiastic with our studies, and the courage to accept new opportunities.”  

May you remain open to all this campus offers you in opportunities to engage, connect, and discover this year. I share my prayers for a successful semester for all. 


(Rev.) John Denning, C.S.C. 
