75th Anniversary Exhibit Now Open
Showcasing 75 years of college history, meaningful human connection.
How does one tell the story of Stonehill College, which not only spans seven decades, but also features the remarkable accomplishments of over 30,000 alumni and countless faculty and staff?
Nicole (Tourangeau) Casper ’95, director of archives & historical collections, has been grappling with this question for well over a year in preparation for the College’s 75th anniversary celebration. The answer she came up with now exists in the form of an exhibit currently on display in Cushing-Martin Hall through October 2024.
Sectioned by themes such as “Community Engagement,” “Student Organizations,” “Athletics,” “Presidential Leadership,” and more, the exhibit addresses questions that Casper regularly receives about the history of Stonehill by showcasing notable people and moments in time.
“I’ve been working at Stonehill for 22 years,” she said. “A lot of the exhibit is taken from my reflecting on the history of the College, some of which I’ve lived. I also looked at my time as a student and my interactions with alumni.”
Casper recruited Katie Turner ’24, a communication major with an anthropology minor, to help put the exhibit together. The archivist and the intern first became acquainted through Associate Professor Erica Tucker, director of the anthropology program.
Aerial images of campus on display at the 75th Anniversary Exhibit in Cushing-Martin Hall.
Displays highlighting "Presidential Leadership" and "Campus Growth."
An installation showcasing "Athletics" and "Community Engagement."
While helping develop the 75th Anniversary Exhibit, Turner played a major role in designing the “Educating with Heart” display, one of the main highlights of the installation. This wall features anonymous quotes taken from redacted versions of alumni and senior class exit surveys. The testimonials focus on the positive experiences that Stonehill students have had with professors since the College’s founding.
“Picking which quotes to use wasn’t easy, but I enjoyed doing it,” the Winchester, Massachusetts, native said. “It was nice seeing how so many people across generations have walked away from their college experience with good memories of the people who educated them.”
Casper hopes that Turner will one day look back fondly on her college experience, in particular the opportunity she has had to help tell the story of Stonehill.
“As a student, I was lucky to be mentored by Professor Jim Kenneally and his wife Louise Kenneally, the College’s first full-time archivist,” Casper said. “They were both so encouraging. I want to pay that forward and give students like Katie opportunities to grow and learn. I really appreciate Stonehill’s emphasis on experiential learning and being able to connect students with on-campus internships.”
Turner was not the only person who helped Casper develop the 75th Anniversary Exhibit. Several Stonehill employees and alumni also aided her.
“It takes a village to complete a project like this,” Casper said. “The Office of Alumni Engagement has been so generous with their time, as have colleagues from the MacPháidín Library. I’m also grateful to the graduates and their families who have donated items to the Archives over the years, including Jonathan Sharkey, son of David Sharkey ’55, who donated the rings seen in the exhibit."
Reflecting on the work she and her colleagues have done to make this exhibit a reality, Casper hopes that community members who stop by enjoy learning about Stonehill’s past.
“We really wanted the exhibit to tie into the theme of our 75th anniversary celebration, which is ‘75 Years Leading with Heart,’” she said. “This installation tells an enjoyable story showcasing meaningful human connection. I want those who visit to gain a better perspective of the people who have helped make this campus so special.”