Education Studies Department
The Education Studies Department prepares Stonehill students to become knowledgeable, skilled and caring teachers of the highest caliber.
Empowering Tomorrow’s Teachers
Emphasis on field experience, equity and compassion defines Stonehill’s education studies program.
Program Overview
The Education Studies Department prepares students to become knowledgeable, skilled and caring teachers of the highest caliber. In keeping with the demands of teacher preparation in the 21st century, the Education Studies programs involve a marriage between pedagogical theory and liberal arts/science content.
Literacy, numeracy, social studies, science and fine arts make up the content of the PreK-12 school curriculum. A major in a liberal arts or science and completion of the Cornerstone Program enable Stonehill College education studies students to acquire the requisite content knowledge necessary to become exemplary classroom teachers.
Education coursework, coupled with pre-practicum and practicum experiences, are designed to complement this content knowledge. These experiences encourage students to construct deep understandings of the application of pedagogical knowledge to a variety of classrooms, schools and communities.
Undergraduate Programs of Study
Stonehill’s Early Childhood Education program equips future educators with the knowledge and skills needed to be highly effective teachers in prekindergarten through grade two.
It leads to initial licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Early Childhood: Teacher of Students with and without Disabilities, PreK-2.
Stonehill’s Elementary Education program equips future instructors with the knowledge and skills needed to become highly effective teachers in grades one through six.
It leads to initial licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Elementary, 1-6.
The Education Studies program is designed for students who wish to pursue the academic study of education but are not interested in teaching licensure.
Education studies is also offered as a minor through the Education Studies Department.
Stonehill’s Secondary Education program equips future educators with the knowledge and skills to be highly effective teachers in middle and high school classrooms.
It leads to initial licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in one of the following areas: Biology (8-12), Chemistry (8-12), English (5-12), Foreign Language – French (5-12), Foreign Language – Spanish (5-12), History (5-12), Mathematics (8-12).
Stonehill’s Special Education program equips future educators with the knowledge and skills needed to be highly effective special education teachers in prekindergarten through grade eight.
It leads to initial licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Teacher of Students With Moderate Disabilities, PreK-8.
Graduate Programs of Study
Stonehill's Master of Education (M.Ed.) prepares teachers to create and lead inclusive learning environments. It leads to a master's degree in education and Massachusetts initial licensure or community education specialization.
- M.Ed. in Autism
- M.Ed. in Bilingual Education
- M.Ed. in Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity
- M.Ed. in Equitable Educational Leadership
- M.Ed. in Humanities, 5-8
- M.Ed. in Math, 1-6
- M.Ed. in Math, 5-8
- M.Ed. in Math/Science, 5-8
- M.Ed. in Special Education, 5-12
- M.Ed. in Special Education, PreK-8
Stonehill Teacher Residency candidates complete an intensive field-based residency in a partner district alongside their graduate coursework. It leads to a Master of Education degree and Massachusetts initial licensure.
- M.Ed. in Math/Science, 5-8
- M.Ed. in Special Education, PreK-8
- M.Ed. in Special Education, 5-12
Stonehill's Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Math/Science, 5-8 prepares current educators who already hold a master's degree to create and lead inclusive learning environments. It leads to Massachusetts initial licensure.
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Math/Science, 5-8
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Special Education, 5-12
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Special Education, PreK-8
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Equitable Educational Leadership
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Humanities, 5-8
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Math, 1-6
- Postbaccalaureate Licensure in Math, 5-8
Stonehill offers graduate certificates to prepare educators to create and lead inclusive learning environments. The programs are offered fully online and can be completed in 9 to 12 months.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity
- Understanding Autism
- Bilingual Education Graduate Certificate
When you student teach, people say to you, ‘You’re from Stonehill, right?’ They can tell because we have a reputation for being poised, polite and one step ahead of the rest.
Theory & Practice in a Program Crafted to Fit Your Goals
Through opportunities to observe, assist and work directly with students in designing and implementing content-specific instruction, Stonehill education students become reflective practitioners who apply educational theory to classroom instructional practice.
Together, Education Studies Department faculty, staff and students seek to:
- Make education more responsive to the evolving needs of society by investigating the complexity of culture, language and learning differences in today’s public, private and parochial classrooms
- Meet the learning needs of all students through the application of developmental and pedagogical theory to classroom practice
- Design instruction to ensure that all students experience success
- Create classroom materials that capitalize on student involvement and use multiple ways of knowing and expressing knowledge
- Use technology as a critical component of the curriculum, aiding both teaching and learning
Commitment to Excellence & the Greater Good
The Education Studies Department is committed to principles of personal development, democracy, inclusion, and the creation of a just and compassionate world. Together, we explore developmentally appropriate practice, methodology and technology, while retaining a constant emphasis on education for civic engagement, self-awareness and humanism.
Program Goals and Objectives
Upon completion of the education major, Stonehill students will produce evidence of their attainment of the following goals and objectives:
Education majors will demonstrate the competence in oral and written communication skills necessary to be effective in their professional practice.
- Students will communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences using oral explanation and a variety of symbol systems, including visual display
- Students will communicate effectively in writing with a wide range of audiences using language and format appropriate to the purpose
- Students will communicate effectively with diverse learners
- Students will demonstrate ethical, culturally proficient and collaborative communication practices
- Students will provide learners and/or families with effective, constructive feedback
Education majors will demonstrate the professional disposition necessary to be effective in their professional practice.
- Students will take an active and open stance to professional learning
- Students will engage respectfully in discussions about students, families, school professionals and communities
- Students will engage professionally with school/organization personnel in field placements, pre-practica, internships and practica
- Students will collaborate effectively with colleagues and education professionals
- Students will show improvement in their practice based on targeted feedback and personal reflection
Education majors will have the content knowledge necessary to be effective in their professional practice.
- Students will demonstrate fluent knowledge of relevant curriculum content
- Students will apply principles of child development to the design of developmentally appropriate materials and experiences
- Students will design and teach coherent lessons on a clearly defined topic, appropriately anchored in a sequence that shows breadth and depth of content knowledge
Education majors will have the pedagogical skills necessary to be effective in their professional practice.
- Students will use effective practices to develop safe, healthy classroom communities that foster student engagement and learning
- Students will write meaningful learning objectives
- Students will design and administer assessment that monitors student learning, provides purposeful feedback on progress, and furnishes evidence to inform instruction
- Students will manage attention, momentum, routines, space, time and discipline to ensure effective operation in the learning environment
- Students will design and teach lessons that skillfully integrate pedagogical techniques, including content-specific pedagogy, to promote the learning of all students
Complete Your B.A. and Master's in Education in 5 Years
Learn More About Our Education Studies Department
Experiences & Opportunities
All students in the Education Studies Department gain experience in education-related sites that have an additional academic component.
Graduate Outcomes
Stonehill Education Studies students secure teaching positions in schools (grades PreK-12) throughout the country. See where our students have recently been employed or attended graduate programs.
Teacher Licensure Programs
The Education Studies Department offers majors in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education and Special Education, which lead to initial teacher licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.