The MacPháidín Library collects fictional dramatizations, including foreign and classic features, as well as non-fiction materials, including documentaries and instructional videos. DVD or streaming format is preferred. Curriculum support is the guiding principle governing video purchases. Selection of individual titles is primarily completed by faculty, while Librarians are primarily responsible for evaluating and selecting streaming collections.

The circulation period for faculty and students is generally seven (7) days. Faculty can extend this period by requesting an extension at the Circulation Desk when they check-out the material.


The library has purchased DVD equipment for use in the building. Letterbox framing is preferred in all formats for those films originally released in one of the wide-screen aspect ratios.

Streaming Media

The library’s goal is to provide searchable, on-demand, streaming service to support the curricular needs of the faculty and students. Purchases will be available in two ways: through the acquisition of streaming media collections, and by selecting individual titles. Our initial collection is comprised of several collections of streaming video determined to be in high demand or believed to be of high utility. Additional individual titles can be obtained where desired for inclusion in course pages. Faculty input is welcome in making these purchase decisions.  All films are not available in streaming format, and cost can be a factor in determining whether to purchase a title in DVD or streaming format. License agreements for all new streaming media vendors must be reviewed, negotiated, and approved by the Office of General Counsel; the library encourages faculty interested in using streaming media to contact the library early in the process of planning a course.

Selection Criteria

The following criteria, arranged in order of importance, will guide purchasing decisions:

  1. Relevancy to curriculum
  2. Projected frequency of use
  3. Cost
  4. Availability of closed captioning
  5. Authority and competency of the filmmaker (established through criteria such as peer guild and craft awards and nominations)
Additional Information

This material falls under the "Teaching Activities of a Nonprofit Institution" exemption in copyright law. Therefore, faculty who plan to use video materials in their teaching during class time are not required to obtain public performance permissions, and public performance payments are not applicable. The library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some library users. However, in accordance with the American Library Association's Bill of Rights, selection will not be made on the basis of any anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the merits of the work in relation to the curriculum needs of the Stonehill community.

Some material derived from: 
Futas, Elizabeth (editor). Collection Development Policies and Procedures. (3rd edition) Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1995.

MacPhaidin Library provides informational resources that support the College's academic programs. Its goal is to provide faculty and students with the material and services needed for effective teaching, learning and research.