What is a donor-advised fund?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite charities. DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to Stonehill College.

Donating through DAF Direct

Contributions through your DAF can be initiated using the DAF Direct widget below.

  • Select your DAF sponsor charity from the dropdown menu labeled “Donate now from:”.
  • Specify "Stonehill College" in the “Designation:” field.
  • Enter your donation amount you would like to recommend in the “Amount:” field.
  • Click on the “NEXT” button to proceed to the sponsoring organization’s website to complete your donor advised fund transaction. Please note, you will be directed to an external website to complete your transaction.

If your DAF sponsor charity is not available through DAF Direct, simply contact your charity to initiate your donation.

Questions regarding making a gift through a donor-advised fund may be directed to Doug Smith, Vice President for Advancement at 508.565.1341 or dougsmith@stonehill.edu.

Logo DAF Direct
