Celebrating 50 Years

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Class of 1973

It’s hard to believe that our 50th reunion year is upon us. As the years rolled on many things have changed, but our core values as the class of 1973 have largely remained the same –among which are social justice, equality, peace, and the environment. We faced these issues head-on as a class and banded together to help make change a reality. But significant progress still needs to be made, and it’s a heavy responsibility for the next generation to hold.

That is why our committee has decided the most meaningful and impactful class gift for us to give is a scholarship to a Stonehill student who honors those same values.

It would be called the Class of 1973 Scholarship.

Our class scholarship will help fund the education of a student who may one day be helping to solve many of the issues that still need our attention immediately and into the future.

Class of 1973 Scholarship

It's now our turn to leave a legacy!

Just as others helped us during our days at Stonehill, the Class of 1973 Scholarship will ensure the most promising students will always have an opportunity at Stonehill.

Goal: $50,000 to create an endowed scholarship, through which Stonehill students will receive scholarships in our class’s name in perpetuity.

Join us and be a part of it.

Ways to Give

Recurring Payments Online

Your gift may be made online through recurring payments via credit card or PayPal at the frequency you select.

Gift Planning

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Make a gift through your will or estate to create a personal legacy that will have a strong and lasting impact for Stonehill College. Designate your required minimum distribution from your IRA or other retirement fund to Stonehill, avoiding taxes. Learn more about gift planning at stonehill.giftplans.org or contact David Dugas at 508-565-1758.


The Class of 1973 Reunion Committee

We ask for your support today and thank you for your commitment.

MaryPat (Mahoney) Bagrosky
Ann Marie Brennan-Zelenka
Kenneth W. Chadwick Jr.
F. Ross Clark III
Katherine F. (Finn) DiTrapano
Mary E. (Downes) Falwell
Susan A. (McGrath) Fine
Donna J. (Bowman) Fuller
Catherine M. (Goulding) Gemma
Christine Hopkins-Powers
Kathleen E. (Lucey) Kerrigan
Susan M. Kingston
Andrew C. Kolesk
Barbara C. (Mullen) Martin
James M. Mooney
Stephen A. Morocco
James E. Perry
Judith A. Salerno M.D.
John E. Schaefers
Patricia A. (Talbot) Souza
Roberta Z. (Zelin) Stewart

Support from the Class of 1973

Honor Roll of Donors

View a list of members of the Class of 1973 who have made a gift to Stonehill this fiscal year to date (as of July 1, 2022).

Reunion 2023

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