We believe in the inherent dignity of each person, and are actively investing in a culture where differences are openly shared and celebrated. We pride ourselves on building and maintaining an honest, just, and compassionate community of inclusion, and hope you will join us in supporting a diverse and inclusive campus environment.  

Shields Science Center
Thomas & Mary Shields Science Center

Providing opportunities for all of our students to envision themselves as successful scientists is critically important to developing the next generation of scientists, as they launch their careers or continue on to graduate school. Highlighting and celebrating the significant scientific innovations being made by scientists from diverse backgrounds, as well as learning about the challenges and opportunities those scientists have experienced, is vital to building and sustaining a diverse science community here at Stonehill. We believe one of the best ways to educate and support our students is through a Diversity in the Sciences Speakers Series.

The Diversity in the Sciences Speakers Series will bring scientists from groups traditionally underrepresented in science to the College at least two times per year to present scientific seminars to students and faculty. These speakers will also meet with students to discuss the career paths they took to professional success. Some of the speakers will be Alumni, while others will be found through professional contacts of our science faculty. Our goals are to strengthen the sense of belonging for our students from diverse backgrounds, who may not see themselves represented in our community and to help all of us to understand the professional and personal experiences diverse scientists have experienced. We hope this seminar series will foster a deeper understanding throughout the Stonehill that we all need a diverse and inclusive environment in the sciences.

Questions on the Diversity in the Sciences Speaker Series?

Please contact:
Department of Biology
Bronwyn Heather Bleakley
Professor of Biology