The Annual Colloquy at Collegium

Stonehill nominates two faculty members per year to attend the Annual Colloquy at Collegium, an annual week-long event where faculty participants "move among plenary talks, small group conversations led by mentors who are themselves Collegium alums, and time for both communal and individual reflection and prayer. Readings, poetry, works of art and film provide daily structure and substantive sources of insights and further questions, always with the aim of helping people more deeply understand the nature of their vocation and the vital contributions they make to the mission of their home institution." Funded by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Collegium was founded in 1992 to work with faculty at Catholic colleges and universities to better understand the mission of Catholic higher education.

Inclusive Excellence Grant

Administered by the Office of Intercultural Affairs, the Inclusive Excellence Grant supports projects which seek to foster inclusiveness of diverse perspectives across campus. For more information on award criteria, funding, and deadlines, please visit the the Office of Intercultural Affairs.

Katie Conboy Award for Faculty Development

The Katie Conboy Fund for Faculty Development—established through the generosity of Professor Barbara Estrin in memory of her husband, Mark W. Estrin—provides a course release to advance the research of an Associate Professor

Research, Writing, and Artistic Production Grants

Administered by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, these grants fund up to $5,000 for Research, Writing, and Artistic Production . All full-time faculty members with continuing employment at the College are eligible to apply.


Sabbatical leave is granted for the express purpose of providing an opportunity for faculty members to enhance their professional development as educators through projects of research, writing, artistic production, and/or other professional activity.  The leave will promote research in one’s academic discipline. 

Publishing Support Grants

Administered by the Deans, these grants are available to help subsidize the cost of publication for scholarly works (e.g., page charges, indexing, editing). Maximum award of $750 per faculty member.

Seminar and Institute Support Grants

Administered by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, these grants fund up to $2,000 for Seminar/Institute Support. All full-time faculty members with continuing employment at the College are eligible to apply.

Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience Program

Administered by the Office of Academic Development, the SURE Program provides students the opportunity to work with faculty on their research projects over an 8-10 week period during the summer. In addition to research assistance from the students, faculty also receive a stipend.

Student Research & Creative Projects and Travel Grants

Student Research & Creative Projects Grants and Travel Grants are available through the Office of the Dean of Academic Achievement. They provide modest funds (up to $300) to students to support the research and creative projects they conduct under the guidance of faculty mentors. This includes funding for the purchase of research supplies, to help offset travel costs for research purposes, as well as to support travel to professional meetings to present results of original research, discuss a unique academic program, or participate in a visual, performance or creative arts competition.

Funds for Co-Curricular Programming and Transportation

The Academic Division has developed an Application for Co-Curricular Funding form that you can submit when you need financial support for a class trip.

Teaching Circle Planning and Implementation Grants

Designed to build upon existing expertise at the College, this program provides an opportunity for faculty to apply for stipends to further develop their pedagogical skills as they engage with their colleagues – through the facilitation of Teaching Circles. These Grants have two phases, a semester long planning phase and a semester long implementation phase. Successful applicants will receive a $1,000 stipend upon completion of each phase ($2,000 total). Depending upon faculty interest, TC facilitators may request, or be asked to consider, offering their TC more than once. If this occurs, TC facilitators will receive an addition $500 stipend upon completion of the subsequent semester of the TC and its associated finalized written project evaluation (For more information, please see Teaching Circle website).

CETL Faculty Fellows

CETL Faculty Fellows (CETL FFs) are members of the full-time faculty at Stonehill College who are recognized for their teaching excellence or emerging teaching excellence and their desire to continually improve their teaching practices. Faculty who are currently engaged in projects, or who have a well-developed idea for a project, are encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will serve for a two-year, four-semester term as a CETL Faculty Fellow. CETL Faculty Fellows will receive one, three-credit course release and $1,500 stipends for each of the other semesters they are FFs. Alternately, an FF could request to take two, three-credit course releases (to be taken two different semesters, with no financial renumeration the remaining semesters). (For more information, please see CETL FF website).

CETL Pedagogical Design Grants

Pedagogical Design Grants provide Stonehill faculty with an opportunity to apply for grants up to $1,000 to support significant teaching interventions designed to enhance student learning. These one-time grants are designed to serve as springboards for the exploration, design, and implementation of new and innovative pedagogical approaches, to develop or refine new instructional resources, or to expand existing projects, all with an aim of improving the student learning experience. (For more information, please see Pedagogical Design Grant website).