Nathaniel P. DesRosiers
Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Religious Studies & Theology Department Chair
Nate DesRosiers is an Associate Professor of Biblical Studies in the Religious Studies Department at Stonehill College. His published research focuses on the issues of conflict and competition in the ancient world and the social and intellectual developments that helped to create and shape the religious movements and texts of antiquity. This work led to his creation of the “Religious Competition: Interdisciplinary Approaches” unit for the National Society of Biblical Literature, and produced two recent co-edited volumes: Rosenblum, Vuong, and DesRosiers, eds. 2014.Religious Competition in the Third Century C.E.: Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht; and DesRosiers and Vuong, eds. 2016. Religious Competition in the Greco-Roman World. Atlanta: SBL Press.
- B.A., History, Stonehill College
- M.T.S., Theological Studies: New Testament, Harvard Divinity School
- Ph.D., Religious Studies, Brown University
Courses Taught
- The Religion and Archaeology of Greece, REL 318
- Archaeology and The Bible, REL 312
- Religion and Sports, REL 288
- The Religions of Egypt, REL 274
- Introduction to the New Testament, REL 252
- Women, Slaves, and Sin: Paul and the Creation of Christianity, REL 226
- Greek Aesthetics, Archaeology, and Mathematics, LC 223
- Gods, Myths, and Rituals, REL 117