Mitchell P.V. Glavin
Associate Professor of Healthcare Management, Healthcare Management Department Chair
Dr. Glavin received his Ph.D. in health policy and management from the Heller Graduate School, Brandeis University. He received a Health Care Financing Administration Dissertation Fellowship for his doctoral research. Dr. Glavin earned master's degrees from the University of Chicago (Harris School of Public Policy) and the University of London (London School of Economics and Political Science). As an undergraduate, he also earned degrees in life sciences and science, technology & society from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Glavin has published on a broad range of topics including the care production process in hospitals, organizational strategies to reduce medical errors, the withdrawal of HMOs from participation in Medicare contracting, and employee engagement and productivity. His current research focuses on assessing performance and identifying the best practices and adaptations of top-performing organizations.
At Stonehill, Dr. Glavin is playing a leading role in the Department of Healthcare Management's Healthcare Supply Chain Management Initiative.
- B.S., Life Sciences & Science, Technology, and Society, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- M.S., Public Administration and Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science
- M.A., Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago
- Ph.D., Social Policy, Brandeis University
- Reviewer of conference submissions for the Health Care Management Division, Academy of Management
- Reviewer of submissions for the Journal of Healthcare Management
- Member of the Academic Council for Healthcare Supply Chain Research, Association for Healthcare Resource and Materials Management
Courses Taught
- Healthcare Foundations
- Comparative Health Systems
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Chilingerian, J.A., and Glavin, M. Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Profile Cardiac Surgeon & Hospital Performance. Report to the Commonwealth Fund, September 2010, 84 pp.
- Glavin, M., and Chilingerian, J.A., "Commitment-based Management Practices and High Performance: The Case of Pfizer's Loughbeg Tablet Plant" Advances in Health Care Management, Vol. 9, 2010, 3-24.
- Chilingerian, J.A., Glavin, M., and Bhalotra, S. Using DEA to Profile Surgeon Efficiency. Report to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, May 2004, 51 pp.
- Glavin, M., Tompkins, C.P., Wallack, S.S., and Altman, S.H., "An Examination of Factors in the Withdrawal of Managed Care Plans from the Medicare+Choice Program." Inquiry Vol. 39, No. 4:341-354, (Winter 2002/2003).
- Altman, S.A., Tompkins, C.P., Eilat, E., and Glavin, M., "Escalating Health Care Costs: Are They Desirable? Are They Inevitable?" Health Affairs Web Exclusive, January 8, 2003, available here.
- Tompkins, C., Glavin, M., Miller, K., and Winger, T. Does Managed Care Differentially Affect Services for Behavioral Health? An Examination of Utilization in Private Health Plans. Report to SAMHSA/CMHS, The MEDSTAT Group, Inc., March 2001, 55 pp.
- Glavin, M., and Chilingerian, J.A., "Hospital Care Production and Medical Errors: Organizational Responses to Improve Care." Current Topics in Management, Vol. 3, 193-215 (1998).
- Tompkins, C.P., Wallack, S.S., Bhalotra, S., Chilingerian, J.A., Glavin, M., Ritter, G., and Hodgkin, D. "Bringing Managed Care Incentives to Medicare's Fee-for-Service Sector." Health Care Financing Review, Vol. 17, No. 4:43-63, (Summer 1996).
- Chilingerian, J.A., and Glavin, M. "Temporary Firms in Community Hospitals: Elements of a Managerial Theory of Efficiency." Medical Care Review, Vol. 51, No. 3:289-335, (Fall 1994).
- Chilingerian, J.A., and Glavin, M. "Clinical Productivity Change and the Determinants of Surgeons Relative Clinical Efficiency in Pennsylvania Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Programs: 1994-2004." Presentation at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX., November 2010.
- Butler, Matt, Glavin, M., and Butler, Mary. "Bethel Health Care Center: Improving Quality of Care with Planetree." Poster presentation at Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Mass., June 2010.
- Glavin, M. "Incorporating Problem-Based Learning Assignments into an Undergraduate Course." Poster presentation at the AUPHA Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, June 2010.
- Chilingerian, J.A., and Glavin, M. "Using DEA to Understand Cardiac Surgery Performance over a Ten-year Period." Poster presentation at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 2009.
- Chilingerian, J.A., and Glavin, M. "Using DEA to Understand Cardiac Surgery Performance: A Ten-Year Follow-up." Presentation at Fifth North American Productivity Workshop at the Stern School of Business (New York University), June 2008.
- Glavin, M., Guest lecture at Lawrence Memorial Hospital (Medford, MA) on the topic of the escalation of health care spending in the U.S. over the past 4 decades, March 2008.
- Glavin, M., "Medicare, Medicaid, and Managed Care." Guest lecture at Brandeis University's Heller Graduate School of Social Policy and Management, Waltham, Massachusetts, March 2004.
- Glavin, M., "Medicare+Choice: Status Report." Guest lecture at Brandeis University's Heller Graduate School of Social Policy and Management, Waltham, Massachusetts, April 2003.
- Glavin, M. "A Comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis and Ratio Analysis in Estimating Physician Efficiency." Paper presented at the North American Productivity Workshop II, Schenectady, NY, June 2002.