Ann Marie K. Rocheleau
Professor of Criminology
Ann Marie Rocheleau has a distinguished record of research in the field of criminology, having collaborated on numerous publications and reports for the U.S. Department of Justice, the Massachusetts Department of Correction, and other federal and state agencies. She is an expert on prisons, with a focus on prison culture and its effect on inmate violence. In addition to her extensive research on prisons, she has studied juvenile correctional facilities and police departments, both on a national scale.
Professor Rocheleau has written several articles on prison violence and the correctional response to it. Along with her co-authors Robert Johnson and Alison B. Martin, she helped write Hard Time: A Fresh Look at Understanding and Reforming the Prison, published in 2017. This book examines the history, evolution and culture of maximum security prisons and those who live and work in them.
Besides her work at Stonehill College, Professor Rocheleau is dedicated to increasing the number of prisoners who earn college credits. As such, she is an active participant in the Massachusetts Prison Education Consortium and also teaches at MCI-Norfolk for the Boston University Prison Education Program. Finally, Professor Rocheleau is on the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Association for Professional Law Enforcement (MAPLE).
Previously, Prof. Rocheleau served as Program Coordinator for the nationwide Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators, working to raise the conditions of confinement in juvenile correctional facilities. Prior to that, she worked for a private research company, where she studied a substance-abuse treatment oriented boot camp at the Barnstable House of Correction, drug purchase, and crime prevention efforts nationwide. Professor Rocheleau started her career at the Massachusetts Department of Correction (DOC), where she evaluated substance abuse and other prison programs. She was also the first Director of Treatment at Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, and the first Substance Abuse Coordinator for the entire DOC.
- B.A., Sociology, Assumption College
- M.A., Sociology, Boston College
- Ph.D., Criminology and Justice Policy, Northeastern University
Research Interests
- Prison culture
- Prison violence
- Supermax prisons
- Substance abuse treatment
- Policy and collaboration in the criminal justice system
Courses Taught
- Sociology of the Prison
- Research Methods for Criminology
- Seminar on Deviance & Control
- Seminar: Punishment & Public Policy
- Race, Class & Gender in the Criminal Justice System
- Capstone Internship in Criminology
- Drug Abuse & Addiction
- Learning Community: Crime and Punishment in North America
Selected Publications & Presentations
- "Examing the Details of Supermax Confinement: Commentary on a One Year Longitudinal Study of the Psychological Effects of Administrative Segregation" Corrections and Mental Health, Summer, 2011.
- "Going to Supermax: Unraveling the Process of Going to Prison in Prison." Presented at the annual meeting of the Justice Studies Association. Philadelphia, 2011 (with Stonehill student Brittany Kaminski).