About the Workshop

The "Unpacking the New IEP" workshop is sponsored by Graduate Teacher Education at Stonehill. The workshop is led by Kelly Mertens, M.Ed., CAGS, is designed to assist educators and administrators in understanding and implementing the updated Individualized Education Program (IEP) introduced by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This training provides a comprehensive overview of the new IEP process, offering practical strategies for effective application in educational settings.

This workshop is ideal for special education teachers, team chairs, general education teachers, and administrators seeking to deepen their understanding of the new IEP and enhance their skills in developing effective, individualized education programs. Professional development points (PDPs) available!

Workshop Objectives

  • Introduction to the New IEP: Participants will gain insights into the structure and components of the new IEP, understanding the rationale behind the recent changes.
  • Developing Comprehensive IEPs: The session will cover best practices for creating detailed and individualized education programs that cater to each student's unique needs.
  • Facilitating Effective Team Meetings: Strategies will be shared to enhance collaboration among IEP team members, ensuring productive and student-centered meetings.
  • Writing Measurable Goals: Attendees will learn techniques for formulating clear, measurable, and attainable goals, along with methods for progress monitoring.
  • Addressing Parent and Student Concerns: The workshop will emphasize the importance of incorporating and addressing concerns from both parents and students within the IEP.

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About the Presenter

Kelly Mertens

Kelly Mertens brings over two decades of experience in special education, having served as a special education administrator and teacher in Massachusetts. Through her consulting work, Kelly collaborates with numerous districts across the state, providing professional development and support in special education practices. She is adjunct faculty in Graduate Teacher Education in Stonehill's Graduate & Professional Studies.

Additional Information

For districts interested in tailored training sessions to support the understanding and implementation of the new IEP, Mertens Educational Consulting offers customized workshops to meet specific needs.


Graduate & Professional Studies Admission assists students as they explore graduate and professional opportunities offered at Stonehill College.