Standing Still In a Culture of Mass Shootings
Jennifer Bennett -Retired Chief of Staff of the US Navy and author

Ms. Jennifer Bennett was severely wounded and is one of four survivors of the September 16, 2013 Navy Yard 
Shooting. In her book, Standing Still In a Culture of Mass Shootings, Jennifer brings us face-to-face with the Navy 
Yard Shooting. She sustained a point-blank shotgun blast, yet by the grace of God, she survived. Her book details 
her harrowing experience, but also the heroism and dedication exhibited by many men and women who helped save 
her life. To explain how she came to be the warrior she is today, Jennifer provides an entertaining and often 
humorous sketch, explaining what it was like to grow up in America from the 1950s to the 1970s. She also explains 
why and how Americans can once again embrace God. A native of Ohio, Jennifer has served as a United States Navy 
Civil Servant for 26 years progressing from a Program Analyst to various program management positions within 
the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), the Navy’s premier systems acquisition and fleet support organization.