A Commitment to the Greater Good

Our students, faculty and staff live Stonehill's commitment to social justice, our belief in the inherent dignity of each person and our mission to foster critical thinking and free inquiry.  Students regularly engage with the local, national and global community through programs like Coaching4Change and the Martin Institute for Law & Society, among others. 

Our students are the kinds of people who get out there and make a difference. They’re in it for the experience, the people and because it’s the right thing to do. Each year, Stonehill students provide nearly 100,000 hours of community service. Service experiences build leadership skills, broaden their understanding of diversity and develop a keener sense of justice.

Whether it’s helping out at a local nursing home, participating in the Relay for Life, or building houses in Nicaragua, our students are constantly finding new and inventive ways to change the world.

Discover Ways to Serve

  • The Farm at Stonehill

    Since its inception, this program has donated more than 80,000 pounds of fresh organic produce to our four community partner organizations. The Farm operates a Mobile Market, which gives residents who do not live near grocery stores access to healthy eating options, and shares information about other efforts to increase wellness in the community.

  • H.O.P.E. Service Immersion Program

    H.O.P.E. seeks to engage members of the Stonehill community in cross-cultural service experiences. The program further endeavors to challenge the Stonehill community to grow in love of God and neighbor by embodying the Church's commitment to a preferential option for and with the poor.

  • L.I.G.H.T. Community Engagement Program

    The L.I.G.H.T. Program empowers students to learn from, foster relationships with, journey alongside, and advocate for members of our local community. This initiative provides the Stonehill community opportunities for meaningful service experiences that challenge and teach them to be agents of social change committed to the creation of a just and compassionate world.