Thriving in Graduate School

For graduate students, living well means being able to balance your academics with your physical, emotional and social needs. While you are in grad school, it is important to eat healthily, exercise, rest, find effective ways to deal with stress, and feel connected with your community. This section highlights some opportunities to help you take advantage of your graduate career.
You made it! Now the real work begins.
- Take advantage of all that the campus has to offer. Stonehill, for instance, extends Career Development, Mental Health and Wellness, and Professional Writing services, among others, to graduate students.
- Connect with other students juggling home/work/school.
- Befriend your librarians. They can make your life as a researcher so much easier. Stonehill has institutional subscriptions to online bibliographic management programs—like, RefWorks —that save useful citations for multiple bibliographies.
- Prepare for your career as intensely as you prepared for graduate school. Hone your writing and presentation skills. Learn how to organize your work and your time. Seek out opportunities to:
- Present—on campus, in the community and at conferences.
- Publish —everywhere. Work your way up to an academic journal in your field.
- Network.
- Pat yourself on the back now and then. You are on your way to becoming one of the roughly 10 percent of Americans who hold a graduate or professional degree.