Special Prayer
In honor of Stonehill's 75th anniversary, a special edition of the prayer book "Lux et Spes" is distributed on campus. Rev. James Chichetto, C.S.C. ’64 contributed the following anniversary prayer.
On the 75th anniversary of Stonehill College's founding, we open our hearts to You,
O Lord, in gratitude for the blessings You have given us. It is a joyous moment for us all— for the Congregation of Holy Cross, for thousands of alumni and alumnae, and for the countless men and women who have worked here and continue to work here as teachers, staff and administrators.
Together we move ahead from a large portion of the past, from a period gone, into a new future as if on a given endeavor and assignment of faith, hope, and of love. Though each of us is on a separate journey, we are linked to the other by a common trail that points to community—to a community of inclusion, of diversity, of knowledge, of respect and of essential goodness.
We believe, O Lord, that our journey has been an unfolding of Your Divine Providence that can be fulfilled in our service to one another—to all who work and study here—and to all people of good will who aim to make Stonehill College great and strive to bring the College to its truest expression of light and hope.
Fill us, O Lord, evermore with Your wondrous light, replete with gratitude. Grant us a depth of hope to match Your trust. You have made Your love clear to us in the message of the Gospel of Jesus. Help us to keep this mandate of love ever present in our hearts, and to widen it freely so that there is always room enough for anyone who wishes to grow and learn here, and to flourish, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.