Game Day with Two-Sport Athlete Shannon Conte ’25
How does Shannon Conte ’25, two-sport athlete in field hockey and softball, prepare for a game? Plenty of water, checking in with trainers and reminding herself to “be big.”
"I usually have a banana, peanut butter and lots of water. This helps prevent injuries and shortens my recovery time between games."
"I change up my music. But before we walk out, I listen to 'Pump It Up' by Endor. It hypes everyone up."
"My field hockey and softball teammates are the most motivating people I know. Walking out onto the field with one team and looking into the stands to see my other team is so heartwarming. They are the reason I am able to perform at my best."
"I take my warm-up rituals pretty seriously, sometimes too seriously. So to loosen up mentally, I try to make jokes, dance around and get my teammates to laugh. I also visit my trainers. They are one of the biggest reasons I am able to perform at this level."
"I like to repeat to myself, 'Be big.' Everything I try to do, I do it big. Whether it is making a big save or catch, I am always trying to leave my mark on the field in a big and positive way."
Stonehill Alumni Magazine
Fall ’23 | Winter ’24 | 75th Anniversary Issue