Fifty years stand between your graduation from Stonehill College in 1972 and your professional retirement in 2022. During that remarkable half-century, you excelled as a corporate leader in setting strategy, team building and delivering financial success, especially for SaaS companies whose software can handle just about every business function imaginable.

Whether as a director, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, president, partner or board member, you relished the “hustle and bustle” of helping fast-growing software technology companies to expand and flourish.

In doing so, you specialized in developing teams that were bold enough not to fear failure or doubt success—teams that pushed themselves with stretch goals but also knew how to rebound from setbacks while ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction. 
Consistently, you set a premium on vision, innovation, transparency, accountability, integrity and candor. Held in high esteem by your colleagues, you read the market with “exceptional intuition and insight.”

The demands of your career notwithstanding, you have remained active in the life of the College as a trustee as well as with class reunions, the Alumni Career Network and the W.B. Mason Forum. Bogan Residence Hall bears your name and that of your wife, Kathleen.

In recognition of your loyalty to your alma mater and in appreciation of your half-century of career accomplishments, which reflect positively on Stonehill College, the Alumni Association is proud to present you with its Outstanding Alumnus Award for 2019. 
Given this fourteenth day of September, Two Thousand Twenty-Four